Stop being “Good”. Start being “Unstoppable”!

In life, everyone strives to achieve greatness. Everyone aims to be successful and in their own ways they keep on struggling for fulfillment of their desires and aims. There is no one step process that guarantees success. Neither is there any single mantra to achieve greatness. So how do the greats ultimately make it to the top? How did for instance Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi manage to breakthrough almost all records made in the history of football (soccer)? How did the Stanford goers Larry Page and Sergey Brin manage to create absolute history by finding the ultimate search engine for the world? The answer is simple. Whatever they did, they did it with such passion, dedication and hard-work which led them to become nothing short of ‘”unstoppable”. As Tim Grover, author of “Relentless” and founder of “Attack Athletics”, the agency that trained sports icons like Dwayne Wade and Michael Jordan says, “The drive to close the gap between near-perfect and perfect is the difference between great and unstoppable”, let us look at some necessary steps to take in order to become unstoppable in whatever we do in life.

Have your mind free from deviations and distractions when doing anything and I mean anything with a capital A! Every small thing you do in life contributes to ultimate success and if you put focus upon every single detail behind those tasks, nothing can stop you from becoming unstoppable. Sometimes it may take time to develop inevitable levels of focus and once you are able to reach that level with patience and perseverance, you are in for an absolute ride of fun, joy and magnificence!

Have you ever wondered why your favorite team losing a match is many a times more of an issue of concern than your declining grades? (And the opposite for your parents) This is simply because you are dedicated with all your heart towards that club or team you support although in reality you are not affected practically in any ways. “Be dedicated” is perhaps the two words you have heard a million times in your life and in-fact by being dedicated truly and wholeheartedly, you surpass that line between someone who is ordinary and someone who is unstoppable.

“Work your butt off!”, as asserted by the seven times Mr. Olympia, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a fact which you need to incorporate in life to be achieve greatness and make a name for yourself in the world. Nothing can replace hard-work. Shortcuts only lead to short term and impermanent success but if you do your job without leaving no stones unturned, you my friend are sure to reach the top!

We often are faced with challenges and difficult situations in life and some of the most common ones? Not finding your car keys when you have a meeting to attend to in 20 minutes or Not having a pen in your pocket when you desperately need to note down an important detail or Not having enough charge on your portable devices in order to get access to certain content instantly. All these issues may sound simple but indeed are what cause turnarounds in the lives of certain people. So, my simple two-word advice to you all? “Be organized”. Start with proper arrangement of stuff on your study table and develop this into a habit so that from the next time you need to wear your silver watch that you kept secondary to the golden one that suddenly stopped working, you can find it hassle-free. This would also in turn build your confidence and later in life, this habit is what will set you apart from others still trying to figure out life.

The one and only thing that keeps people going during times of utter distress is one’s power of will. This applies for all fields and range of work and is an absolute necessity to reach great heights of success in life. Once you are on the field and are totally into the work you do, failures are bound to hit you as you keep on taking risks with various experiments and new ideas but if that stops you from going further, that’s the end. You are done and dusted and life seems to be curse. So, keep your head-strong and never let anything or anyone stop you from becoming the person you want to be.

As we heard Will saying in The Pursuit of Happiness, “You got a dream, you gotta protect it” and “Walk the walk and go forward all the time”, you have to be nothing less of a predator on the hunt. The qualities listed above will certainly help you becoming that and you are guaranteed to become what I call as the defining characteristic behind every icon to have lived in this planet and that is “UNSTOPPABLE“!